All in Healthcare

WATCH: Hemera creates a cascade of light at the Peeples Center

Hemera proves yet again with this project how they can be an incredible partner to designers and contractors. This custom ceiling combined with a cascade of light from Hemera to make a beautiful installation.

In this video, Adam and I dive into how Hemera collaborated with the design team and then worked to build and install this amazing piece.

Four Chances to Get to Know Beta-Calco

When Beta-Calco took joined SDA, I was deeply impressed not just with the breadth of the products on offer, but with their factory and design capabilities. I’m so excited to be working with them. Ivan and I have set up four dates to talk about some of the latest products from Beta Calco. Two dates are dedicated to the interior and two for the exterior. These will be fast and fun sessions and I promise you’ll be impressed.

Lighting a Surgical Suite with the MD1U from Viscor

A surgical suite troffer is one of those fixtures that looks incredibly simple on the surface but peel back how it's built, what goes into its engineering and fabrication. You'll find a piece of gear that's critical to the functioning of the operating room, with myriad little details under the hood.

Eric Spada of Viscor takes me through the MD1U and educates me not only on the fixture itself but what's important when it comes to surgical lighting. Stay till the end to find the value of green light in surgical suites.

USAI brings the best of BeveLED below the ceiling

USAI has always been known as an incredible downlight manufacturer. But as the needs of the design community have changed, USAI has responded. The deck below is going to take you through some of the updates USAI has made both in terms of integration (think Armstrong Ceilings) and in innovation, bringing the famous BeveLED and BeveLED mini light engines below the ceilings in amazing cylinder applications.

The Secret of the HE Williams Linear Series is How Easy It is to Specify

The HE Williams MX Series is a solid linear slot family in 2” and 4” apertures. With solid build quality, great lead times and competitive pricing, the MX is a strong option. But what the MX really demonstrates is Williams focus on service. Service to the specifier, but also service to the reps, distributors, and contractors along the project path. By making a software-based solution like this, HEW has made it that much easier to make sure what you were expecting is what shows up on-site, with MANY fewer steps.

Cree's Cadiant LED Skylight

Too often, we talk about human-centric lighting in (ironically enough) in terms of the technical. How much “circadian blue” are we hitting people’s retinas with at a given hour of the day? The Cadiant system answers a more fundamental question, how do we bring the outside in? How do we make people feel better? Aesthetics matter in this regard. That’s why I love the design of this piece.