
Welcome to Delivered Lumens

Great Lighting can change the world.

Watch: Partnering with Hemera on Your Custom Projects

Watch: Partnering with Hemera on Your Custom Projects

Hemera is a manufacturer we've worked with for years at SDA, but I think I haven't done an excellent job telling their story. So to kick off 2021 I'm going to be doing a series of posts with the Hemera team. The truth is you might have visited their old website and seen some pretty fixtures, but nothing exactly fit the aesthetics of your project, and so you said, “I’ll keep them in mind.” A few months passed and another project came up and you went back to their website, and the same thing happened.

700+ Points of light

700+ Points of light

Michigan Plaza Chandelier by Hemera

Michigan Plaza Chandelier by Hemera

Well, the team at Hemera has completely redone their website, why is that so important? Beyond making it much easier to navigate, they've gone through some pains to bring their project work to the fore. Hemera is not simply building the 20 or so fixture types you might have seen in the gallery. They are also ready to be your partner for customs and modifications.


Nowhere is that more apparent than Michigan Plaza in Chicago. The project team engaged Hemera from early on in the process and Hemera was a total partner in the design, fabrication, and installation of this beautiful lighting sculpture. Adam Doucette was good enough to join me to discuss Michigan Plaza. We talked about how the project went from a simple quote request to an amazing custom installation.

Four Chances to Get to Know Beta-Calco

Four Chances to Get to Know Beta-Calco

Smartengine training January 12th

Smartengine training January 12th