
Welcome to Delivered Lumens

Great Lighting can change the world.

Now Booking Presentations with Beta Calco

Now Booking Presentations with Beta Calco

Myself and the entire SDA team finished our training cycle with Beta Calco. I was truly surprised by the variety and quality of their line. I’m sure you’ve seen Le Louvre, but it’s just an example of the thoughtful design Beta Calco brings to something that has become as commodified as the slot light.

I know time is tight for everyone, but if you have 20 minutes or so, I think we can give you an obvious idea of the line and their capabilities. I was really blown away by the products and the time and attention they took into explaining their service team, their modification capabilities, and even their pricing.

We’ll give you a quick overview of the linear, the performance decorative and the exterior offering. Use the calendar link below to find a time that works for you!

Controls 101

Controls 101

Cree's Cadiant LED Skylight

Cree's Cadiant LED Skylight