
Welcome to Delivered Lumens

Great Lighting can change the world.

Open Wins a Lumen Award Citation!

Open Wins a Lumen Award Citation!

Last year, I was fortunate enough to play a small part in OPEN from the Flint Collective NYC. OPEN was a response to the brutality of the pandemic, both in human terms and the toll it had taken on New York City’s neighborhoods. I am so proud of the Flint Collective NYC team and for playing a tiny part in making this happen. In truth, the project was really about doing something in the face of a tense, frightened, and angry summer in the city.

Yesterday, the IESNYC Lumen Awards announced OPEN has won a special Citation for Lighting as a Tool For Social Impact. Congratulations to everyone who participated! You can learn more about OPEN and all of the 2021 Lumen Award winners over at the IESNYC website.

Thanks to Luminii, Insight and WE-EF for loaning or donating gear to the project.

Putting Architecture First with Statement Pieces

Putting Architecture First with Statement Pieces

SDA Lighting is Now the NY Metro Representative For Barrisol

SDA Lighting is Now the NY Metro Representative For Barrisol