Another Week working from a place of hope.
I don’t have an elegant summary of how this all feels. There are moments when it feels like this new normal, the socially distant, yet also continuously connected state could, in fact, be OK. Then something happens, I learn of someone who is sick, or I hear the stories coming from my mom’s ER and I’m reminded that nothing about this is normal, and it is not OK. It is hurting everyone. No two people are being wounded the same way, but we are all feeling losses.
And yet we persevere, we do what we can, we work and call, and email and message and keep going. Working through the stress and the overwhelm. Lighting design excites me, seeing what designers and architects do and how they do it together (and apart) is never anything less than inspiring to me. And so I continue to do what I can to share and educate and hopefully inspire.
PS: Thank you to everyone who’s joined the mailing list this week.
“Difficulties mastered are opportunities won.”
Here’s what’s coming up this week
A Comprehensive Overview Of Lighting Mirrors
April 15th @ 3:00PM
Learning Objectives: At the end of this program participants will be able to:
1. Understand the electrical and lighting components of a lighted mirror.
2. Understand the components of light and how they affect health and wellness.
3. Understand ways lighted mirror an offer energy efficiency and create cost savings
4. Understand integrated technology options that enhance a lighted mirror's functionality.
Wooden Poles and Lighting Fixtures With Structura
April 16th at 3:00 PM
Alexis Nollet of Structura sits down with us to review Structura’s amazing colletion of wooden lighting poles and wooden light fixtures.
Highlight of the Week
Chatting with Ben Rapkin of Lightglass. Lightglass is dedicated to making the world a better place by bringing a facsimile of natural light into interior spaces with no access. This little 15 minute conversation is a great primer on Lightglass and what they are capable of…