
Welcome to Delivered Lumens

Great Lighting can change the world.

I want to make great stuff in 2022, can you help me?

I want to make great stuff in 2022, can you help me?

I’m planning and prepping for 2022, and it’s different than any year I’ve previosly planned for. It’s the first year where I am thinking about how to be effective in person and digitally, sometimes at the same time. But what I want to make isn’t very important if it’s not what you want to see. So I’m running a 1-minute survey to better understand how you want to learn in 2022.

If you fill it out, I’ll be sending you a thank you to help out with the holiday shopping this year.

1-Minute Survey

Help me make better stuff in 2022

Reflections on my first party in nearly 2 years

Reflections on my first party in nearly 2 years

Four Factories Who Can Ship Right Now

Four Factories Who Can Ship Right Now