
Welcome to Delivered Lumens

Great Lighting can change the world.

Grateful for the Little Things

Grateful for the Little Things

The last week of the year is always an invitation for looking back and looking forward. The latest iteration of Coronavirus has dominated the last few weeks of the year, but that's not the whole story of this year.

2021 was also a year of getting vaccinated, getting back into the city I love, watching hockey at Madison Square Garden. This year reminded me of all the little things that I love and enjoy. The way it feels to walk on 7th avenue at rush hour. What it's like to talk about light as I demonstrate it. It was a year of eating in restaurants and working in co-working spaces. It was also a year of seeing the people I work with and for in-person, something I'd missed so dearly.

2020 was a year that taught me the importance of patience.

2021 was a year that taught me the importance of gratitude.

Onward we go navigating the uncharted waters of an ongoing pandemic, measuring risk, and making the best decisions we can. I'll be doing that with a patient mind and a grateful heart.

The pandemic has been a bizarre journey none of us wanted. But it's taught me so much. Thank you for joining me.

I'm looking forward to the next chapter together.

Investing in Great Light

Investing in Great Light

Light is the most important thing you're not thinking about

Light is the most important thing you're not thinking about