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Great Lighting can change the world.

Introducing Let's Talk About Light and Health from the National Lighting Bureau and the Lighting and Health Research Center

Introducing Let's Talk About Light and Health from the National Lighting Bureau and the Lighting and Health Research Center

Last summer, I joined the Lighting and Health Research Center at Mount Sinai as their Industry Advisor. It’s been fascinating to get inside the research process and learn about what parameters are necessary for strong research.

One of the goals we quickly identified was getting the conversation about light to move beyond lighting professionals. We are great at evangelizing to one another, but we haven’t done a good job explaining the power of light to the general public. After a series of conversations, Allison Thayer of the LHRC got to work with Randy Reid (lighting industry superhero) to create a new show.

The show is called “Let’s Talk about Light and Health” and the idea is to take advanced lighting concepts and relate them to real-world applications and outcomes.

list of topics on lighting and health

As you can see, the topics are wide-ranging and bleed over from highly technical to having potential real-world impacts. I think they’ll be fascinating for both lighting professionals and novices alike. As the conversations range from LHRC researchers to doctors to even a military commander!

Be sure to register for the upcoming talk about daily light with Mariana Figueiro, director of the LHRC this Monday! You can register for as many topics as you like. These are pre-recorded interviews with the ability for registrants to ask questions of the speaker afterward.

A Word about the War in Ukraine

A Word about the War in Ukraine

Ten in the Shed Ep. 3 - Dead Simple Cove lighting with Feelux

Ten in the Shed Ep. 3 - Dead Simple Cove lighting with Feelux