Why Light is Crucial for Your Health and Well-Being
Mariana Figueiro, a renowned scientist and director of the Light and Health Research Center at Mount Sinai, talks about the importance of light in human health. Figueiro explains that exposure to light, especially natural light, is crucial for regulating our circadian rhythms, which in turn affects our sleep, mood, and overall well-being. She also discusses the impact of artificial light on our health and sleep patterns. Throughout the interview, Figueiro provides practical tips on optimizing our exposure to light for better health outcomes, including recommendations on light levels, timing, and the use of light-emitting devices. We also delve into the differences between circadian entrainment and alertness, how pop science misses the nuances of light and health, and how inequity makes achieving healthy light (and darkness) difficult.
For more on the Light and Health Research Center at Mount Sinai:
• Official Mount Sinai website: https://icahn.mssm.edu/research/light-health/team
• Educational website: https://www.light-health.org/home
• Online courses: https://www.light-health.org/education/courses
• Let’s Talk About Light and Health Podcast: https://www.light-health.org/education/resources/lets-talk-about-light-and-health
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